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MLRA 39 - Arizona and New Mexico Mountains

Arizona,Colorado, New Mexico,and Utah
111,140 km2 (42,910 mi2)

The dominant soils are Borolls, Boralfs, Ustolls, Ustalfs, Orthents, and Orthids. They have a cryic, frigid, or mesic temperature regime, depending mainly on elevation. Argiborolls (Brolliar, Sponseller, and Ess series) and Cryoborolls (Gordo and Tatiyee series) at the higher elevations formed in intrusive and extrusive volcanic materials, dominantly basalt. At lower elevations, Eutroboralfs (Dandrea, McVickers, Overgaard, and Hogg series), Ustorthents (Mirabal, Lockerby, and Telephone series), Haplustalfs (Jacks and Elledge series), Argiustolls (Showlow, Monticello, Northdale, and Roundtop series), Haplustolls (Tortugas and Ackman series), Calciorthids (Cibeque and Hovenweep series), and Glossoboralfs (Soldier series) overlie schist, sandstone, shale, limestone, and old alluvium.

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