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The intent in defining the soil moisture control section is to facilitate estimation of soil moisture regimes from climatic data. The upper boundary of this control section is the depth to which a dry (tension of more than 1500 kPa, but not air-dry) soil will be moistened by 2.5 cm of water within 24 hours. The lower boundary is the depth to which a dry soil will be moistened by 7.5 cm of water within 48 hours. These depths do not include the depth of moistening along any cracks or animal burrows that are open to the surface.

If 7.5 cm of water moistens the soil to a densic, lithic, paralithic, or petroferric contact or to a petrocalcic horizon or a duripan, the upper boundary of the rock or of the cemented horizon constitutes the lower boundary of the soil moisture control section. If a soil is moistened to one of these contacts or horizons by 2.5 cm of water, the soil moisture control section is the lithic contact itself, the densic or paralithic contact, or the upper boundary of the cemented horizon. The control section of such a soil is considered moist if the upper boundary of the rock or the cemented horizon has a thin film of water. If that upper boundary is dry, the control section is considered dry.

The moisture control section of a soil extends approximately: (1) from 10 to 30 cm below the soil surface if the particle-size class of the soil is fine-loamy, coarse-silty, fine-silty, or clayey; (2) from 20 to 60 cm if the particle-size class is coarse-loamy; and (3) from 30 to 90 cm if the particle-size class is sandy. If the soil contains coarse fragments that do not absorb and release water, the limits of the moisture control section are deeper. In addition to the particle-size class, the limits of the soil moisture control section are also affected by differences in soil structure or pore-size distribution, or by other factors that influence movement and retention of water in the soil.

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