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MLRA 136 - Southern Piedmont

Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia
161,430 km2 (62,330 mi2)

The dominant soils are Udults. They have a clayey or loamy subsoil, a thermic temperature regime, an udic moisture regime, and kaolinitic, mixed, or oxidic mineralogy. Well drained very gently sloping to gently sloping Hapludults (Cecil, Madison, and Appling series) and Paleudults (Davidson series) are on uplands. Well drained Hapludults, Rhodudults, Dystrochrepts, and Hapludalfs (Pacolet, Cecil, Gwin nett, Louisa, Louisburg, and Wilkes series) are on the steeper slopes. In some localities, these soils contain coarse fragments. Dystrochrepts (Chewacla series), Udifluvents (Congaree and Cartecay series), and Fluvaquents (Wehadkee series) are in alluvial deposits.

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