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MLRA 32 - Northern Intermountain Desertic Basins

Montana and Wyoming
21,210 km2 (8,190 mi2)

The dominant soils are Argids. They are moderately deep to very deep and moderately fine textured. These soils have a mesic temperature regime, an aridic moisture regime, mixed mineralogy, and an argillic horizon. Haplargids (Griffy and Saddle series) are on piedmont plains and pediments over clay shale and sandstone. Torriorthents (Persayo series) and areas of rock outcrop are on dissected slopes. Torrifluvents (Youngston and Havre series) and Torriorthents (Apron series) are on recent alluvial fans and flood plains. Natrargids (Meeteetse series) are on alkaline clay shale.

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