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MLRA 72 - Central High Tableland

Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska
77,220 km2 (29,810 mi2)

Most of the soils are Ustolls. They are well drained and medium textured and moderately fine textured. They have a mesic temperature regime, an ustic moisture regime, and mixed or montmorillonitic mineralogy. On loess-mantled uplands, well drained Argiustolls (Keith, Kuma, Rago, and Richfield series) are in nearly level and gently sloping areas, Haplustolls (Ulysses series) in gently sloping and moderately sloping areas, and Torriorthents (Colby series) in steeper areas. Torriorthents (Canyon series) and Ustorthents (Canlon series) are shallow over caliche and are on the steeper and more broken slopes. Torripsamments (Valent series), on hummocky and duned eolian sands, are associated with Argiustolls (Haxtun series) and Haplustolls (Anselmo series). Haplustolls (Bridgeport, McCook, and Duroc series) are on flood plains and terraces.

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