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MLRA 92 - Superior Lake Plain

Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin
4,950 km2 (1,910 mi2)

The dominant soils are Boralfs and Orthods. They are deep and moderately deep and fine textured to moderately coarse textured. These soils have a frigid temperature regime and mixed or illitic mineralogy. Well drained to somewhat poorly drained Eutroboralfs (Ontonagon, Rudyard, and Watton series) formed in clayey and loamy lacustrine sediments and glacial till. Well drained Haplorthods (Michagamme series) formed in glacial drift over bedrock, and Fragiorthods (Gogebic, Iron River, and Munising series) formed in loamy glacial till. Associated soils are Haplaquepts (Pickford series) and Haplaquods (Tula series).

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