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MLRA 131 - Southern Mississippi Valley Alluvium

Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee
93,600 km2 (36,140 mi2)

The dominant soils are Aquepts, Aqualfs, Aquents, Udolls, and Udalfs. They are deep, medium textured and fine textured soils that have an udic or aquic moisture regime, a thermic temperature regime, and mostly montmorillonitic or mixed mineralogy. Fine textured Haplaquepts (Alligator, Perry, Portland, Sharkey, and Tunica series), Hapludolls (Desha, Bowdre series), and Ochraqualfs (Jackport series), and medium textured Fluvaquents (Commerce, Mhoon, and Convent series), Natraqualfs (Foley series), Ochraqualfs (Dundee, Amagon, and Hebert series), and Hapludalfs (Dubbs, Bosket, and Rilla series) occupy backswamp areas and older natural levees. Minor soils include moderately coarse textured Dystrochrepts (Beulah series) and Udifluvents (Robinsonville series), medium textured Fluvaquents (Gideon series), fine textured Hydraquents (Barbary series), and organic Medisaprists (Maurepas series). The Hydraquents and Medisaprists are in the extreme southern part in Louisiana.

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