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MLRA 35 - Colorado and Green River Plateaus

Arizona, Colorado, and Utah
123,350 km2 (47,630 mi2)

The dominant soils are Orthents, Fluvents, and Psamments. They have a mesic temperature regime and an aridic moisture regime. Torriorthents (Moenkopie, Claysprings, Aneth, and Winona series) and areas of rock outcrop are extensive. Large, actively eroded exposures of shale and sandstone (badland) include the Painted Desert and the Petrified Forest National Park. Deep, nearly level to gently sloping, well drained, moderately coarse textured to fine textured Torrifluvents (Trail, Ives, Tours, Jocity, and Navajo series) are on flood plains and low fans. Torripsamments (Sheppard series), sandy Camborthids, and Calciorthids (Mota and Whit series) are in the north.

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