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MLRA 64 - Mixed Sandy and Silty Tableland

Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming
28,400 km2 (10,970 mi2)

Most of the soils are Ustolls. They are medium textured and formed in loess or in alluvium. They have a mesic temperature regime and mixed mineralogy. The nearly level to strongly sloping, deep Argiustolls (Alliance, Kadoka, Keith, Manter, Richfield, and Rosebud series) are on uplands. The nearly level to steep, deep Haplustolls (Bridget series) are on foot slopes. Shallow Torriorthents (Canyon, Epping, Keota, and Tassel series) are on ridges and sides of upland drainageways. Deep sandy Torripsamments (Valent series) are in eolian sand deposits.

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