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MLRA 46 - Northern Rocky Mountain Foothills

Montana and Wyoming
52,070km2 (20,110 mi2)

Soils of this area are mostly Borolls, Orthents, and Fluvents. They are medium textured to fine textured and mainly well drained and have a frigid temperature regime. Moderately deep to deep Argiborolls (Absarokee, Farnuf, and Savage series), Haploborolls (Winifred and Rottulee series), and Natriborolls (Adger series) are on sedimentary uplands, alluvial fans, foot slopes, and terraces. Shallow Argiborolls (Sinnigam and Amherst series), Haploborolls (Castner series), and Ustorthents (Cabba and Wayden series) are on sedimentary uplands. Deep, nearly level to gently sloping Ustifluvents (Havrelon and Lohler series) are on flood plains and low alluvial terraces. Soils in wooded areas are at higher elevations where more rainfall is received.

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