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MLRA 54 - Rolling Soft Shale Plain

Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota
58,100 km2 (22,430 mj2)

Most of the soils are Borolls. They are moderately deep and deep, well drained and moderately well drained, and loamy and clayey. These soils have a frigid temperature regime and mixed mineralogy. The nearly level to rolling Haploborolls (Vebar and Chama series) and Argiborolls (Morton series) are on sedimentary uplands. The more sloping, shallow Ustorthents (Cabba series) and Ustipsamments (Flasher series) are on sedimentary uplands. The nearly level and gently sloping Natriborolls (Rhoades and Belfield series) are on sedimentary uplands and alluvial fans and terraces. The nearly level to gently sloping Argiborolls (Williams and Vida series) are on till-mantled sedimentary uplands in the northern and eastern parts of the area. Ustochrepts (Cherry series) and Ustorthents (Lambert series) are on fans, terraces, and foot slopes.

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